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  • Hair Extensions - with Marcela

    with Marcela 

  • Show all 28 services

  • Tape's New Hair Fitting

    New hair fitting for new clients.

    total price of this service will be given on your consultation day.

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    2 hours, £105.00

  • Tape's Maintenance Hair Removal for Existing Clients

    Tape hair removal + new replacement tape strips 

    Hair maintenance every 6-10 weeks,

    done is two separate appointments usally one day appart.

    please book maintenance hair removal and maintenance hair fitting separately at least one day appart.

    50 minutes, £50.00

  • Tape's Maintenance, Hair Fitting for Existing Clients 100g

    Hair refitting.

    please note : Hair maintenance for tapes done is two separate appointments usally one day appart.

    please book maintenance hair removal and maintenance hair fitting together at least one day appart.

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30

    1 hour 30 minutes, £70.00

  • Tape's Maintenance, Hair Fitting for Existing Clients 150g

    Hair refitting.

    please note : Hair maintenance for tapes done is two separate appointments usally one day appart.

    please book maintenance hair removal and maintenance hair fitting together at least one day appart.

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30

    1 hour 50 minutes, £80.00

  • Tape's Maintenance, Hair Fitting for Existing Clients 200g

    Hair refitting.

    please note : Hair maintenance for tapes done is two separate appointments usally one day appart.

    please book maintenance hair removal and maintenance hair fitting together at least one day appart.

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30

    2 hours, £90.00

  • Hair Consultation

    colour matching, choosing suitable hair extensions technique for your type of hair, aftercare products etc.

    please note: hair consultation needed before your hair fitting appointment can be booked.

    hair fitting is always booked on the consultation day. £100 deposit requred to secure all fitting appointments.

    30 minutes, £10.00

  • Client Own Hair Fitting 50-100G

    your own hair fitting appointment.

    tapes,nano rings,micro rings only.

    2 hours, £90.00

  • Client Own Hair Fitting Over 100 G

    your own hair fitting appointment.

    tapes,nano rings,micro rings only.

    3 hours, £100.00

  • Hair Extensions Removal 50g-100g

    hair extensions removal for tapes, nano/micro rings.

    1 hour, £50.00

  • Client Own Hair Fitting Over 150g

    2 hours 30 minutes, £130.00

  • Nano Rings / Micro Rings New Hair Fitting

    New hair fitting for new clients. 
    From £110 - price depending on how much hair needs fitting .

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    The total price of this service will be given on consultation day.

    Please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    3 hours, £110.00

  • Nano/ Micro Rings Maintenance, for Existing Clients 50g and Over

    hair maintenence every 6-10 weeks

    Hair removal, new rings and hair refit.



    1 hour 30 minutes, £90.00

  • Nano/ Micro Rings Maintenance, for Existing Clients, 100g -140g

    New rings and hair refit .

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30



    3 hours, £120.00

  • Nano/ Micro Rings Maintenance, for Existing Clients, 140g-200g

    Hair removal, new rings, refit

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30


    3 hours 30 minutes, £130.00

  • Keratin Bonds Hair Fitting 50g

    Keratyne bonds New hair fitting .

    total price of this service will be given on consultation day.

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    2 hours, £100.00

  • Keratin Bonds Hair Fitting ,Over 50g- 100g

    New hair fitting for new clients. DEPOSIT for hair.

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    3 hours 20 minutes, £130.00

  • Keratin Bonds Hair Fitting ,Over 100g-130g

    New hair fitting for new clients. DEPOSIT for hair.

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    4 hours, £150.00

  • Keratin Bonds Hair Fitting ,130g-150g

    New hair fitting for new clients. DEPOSIT for hair.

    please note: Consultation needed before this service can be booked.

    please contact Marcela first if you need hair fitting appointment booking together with consultation appointment. 

    please allow at lest one week afrer hair consultation to book hair fitting appointment.

    5 hours, £180.00

  • Keratin Bonds Removal 50g-100g

    keratin bonds removal only.

    1 hour 30 minutes, £60.00

  • Keratin Bonds Removal 100g- 200g

    keratin bonds removal only.

    2 hours 30 minutes, £80.00

  • Correction Work/ New Clients Hair Maintenance

    Have you been elsewhere and not happy with your final look? In need for hair maintenance ?
    I'm happy to help- prices varies .


    From £140

    Tapes, nano rings , micro rings.


    3 hours, £140.00

  • Keratin Bonds Maintenance for Existing Clients, Over 50g-90g

    New bonds and hair fitting.

    Hair maintenance every 8- 16 weeks,

    done is two separate appointments at least two days appart.

    please book hair removal and maintenance hair fitting separately at least two days appart.

    3 hours 20 minutes, £180.00

  • Keratin Bonds Maintenance for Existing Clients, Over 90g-130g

    New bonds and hair fitting.

    Hair maintenance every 8- 16 weeks,

    done is two separate appointments at least two days appart.

    please book hair removal and maintenance hair fitting separately  at least two days appart.

    4 hours, £210.00

  • Keratin Bonds Maintenance for Existing Clients, Over 130g -180g

    New bonds and hair fitting.

    Hair maintenance every 8- 16 weeks,

    done is two separate appointments at least two days appart.

    please book hair removal and maintenance hair fitting separately at least two days appart.

    6 hours, £260.00

  • Hair Touch Up for Existing Clients

    If you are after holiday , some of your hair fell out or are a bit matted and needs looking at this service it’s for you . 

    This can be booked between your normal maintenance appointments. 

    Price varies, From £20

    1 hour, £20.00

  • Nano/ Micro Rings Maintenance, for Existing Clients up to 50g

    hair maintenence every 6-10 weeks

    Hair removal, new rings and hair refit.

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30


    1 hour, £75.00

  • Client Own Hair Fitting up to 50g

    your own hair fitting appointment.

    tapes,nano rings,micro rings only.

    1 hour, £60.00

  • Nano/ Micro Rings Maintenance, for Existing Clients, Over 200g

    Hair removal, new rings, refit

    Please note: Maintenance every 6-10 weeks, all maintenance appointments longer than 10 weeks from previous fitting will result in additional service fee of £30


    4 hours, £200.00

  • Body Wraps / Scrubs with Marcela

    Truly the best pamper with Marcela - a whole new level of relaxation pampering you head to toe!

  • Inch Loss Body Wrap - With Marcela

    A dry body brushing to remove the dead skin cells followed by a detoxing, cellulite and fat reducing gel and the full neck to ankle body wraps. You will be relaxing under electric blanket for around 1hr letting the bandages sculpt and tone your body . 

    Then we will begin process of un-wrapping you and afterwards slimming body serum will be applied.

    Please bring a bikini with you for this treatment.

    How to prepare for this treatment: 

    • Shave 24/8 hours before the wrap - do not shave on day of the wrap
    • Have lighter meals the day of the wrap
    • Do not drink alcohol of caffeine drinks for 24 hours before the wraps

    (1 off treatment or we recommend a course of 6 treatments)

    2 hours, £65.00

  • Full Body Exfoliate and Rehydrate Treatment -with Marcela

    Dry body brush and full warm body scrub to increase circulation and remove dead skin cells , your body will be cleaned from the neck down with special exfoliants, oils, and firming moisturisers. This is an intensely rejuvenating and relaxing experience that polishes your dull and tired skin and reveals the soft new skin that waits underneath.

    You will be relaxing under electric blanket. 

    1 hour, £49.00

  • Inch Loss Body Wrap Course of 6 - With Marcela


    A dry body brushing to remove the dead skin cells followed by a detoxing, cellulite and fat reducing gel and the full neck to ankle body wraps. You will be relaxing under electric blanket for around 1hr letting the bandages sculpt and tone your body . 

    Then we will begin process of un-wrapping you and afterwards slimming body serum will be applied.

    Please bring a bikini with you for this treatment.

    How to prepare for this treatment: 

    • Shave 24/8 hours before the wrap - do not shave on day of the wrap
    • Have lighter meals the day of the wrap
    • Do not drink alcohol of caffeine drinks for 24 hours before the wraps

    (1 off treatment or we recommend a course of 6 treatments)

    2 hours, £300.00

  • Inch Loss Body Wrap Course Client


    A dry body brushing to remove the dead skin cells followed by a detoxing, cellulite and fat reducing gel and the full neck to ankle body wraps. You will be relaxing under electric blanket for around 1hr letting the bandages sculpt and tone your body . 

    Then we will begin process of un-wrapping you and afterwards slimming body serum will be applied.

    Please bring a bikini with you for this treatment.

    How to prepare for this treatment: 

    • Shave 24/8 hours before the wrap - do not shave on day of the wrap
    • Have lighter meals the day of the wrap
    • Do not drink alcohol of caffeine drinks for 24 hours before the wraps

    (1 off treatment or we recommend a course of 6 treatments)

    2 hours, £0.00

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